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Pisces Sportfishing 27 April – 2 May 2013

APRIL 27TH to May 2nd, 2013

Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 87%

Numbers at a glance: Marlin 75%, Dorado 15%, Small Game 19%

BILLFISH: After such stupendous fishing as reported last week, we were hoping for more of the same and we did to a degree have this, but not in the same numbers. That said striped marlin was the number one catch this week in Cabo. This report is covering one day less than normal as it is going out a bit early, which may affect the numbers a little. April 28th was one of the better days, which is when Pisces Tracy Ann released four striped marlin at Destiladeras for Jordan Malugan and Lucy Hutchinson from San Diego, California. This same day the 35 ft. Cabo Listo, managed to release three marlin up to 130 lbs. and boat two medium size dorado for Mark Cuny and Alex Albaum from Grass Valley, California. Destiladeras seemed to be producing the action, but not all fleets fish there, as it is a long way from Cabo and diesel costs are high – it goes without saying that Pisces boats have no restrictions on diesel and we go wherever the fish are, however this spot is about the limit for travel on a day trip. It was at this spot that Pisces Adriana had an action packed day for David and Brenda Wanous from Praine, Minnesota when they reeled in four striped marlin, caught on ballyhoo, before letting them go. Pisces Fearless a 50 ft. Viking had an enviable day on April 27th for anglers Mark Snyder and Mark Hagen from College Station, fishing with Brian and William Jaynes from Dallas, when they released two marlin and then boated two Dorado and a 45 lb. wahoo. Three quarters of our boats caught marlin this week, with catches around one to three marlin per boat, the majority caught up in the Sea of Cortez between Cerro Colorado and Destiladeras. Our anglers caught a total of 52 striped marlin, which were all released. On the last day of this report, fishing went flat and boats that had done well all week drew a blank, as colder water moved into what had been productive fishing grounds.

OTHER SPECIES: Seeing as the boats were concentrating offshore for big game not a great deal of small game fish were caught this week, however, Dorado catches made for a surprise when trolling for marlin and a few boats picked up as many as four in a day up to 20 lbs., though it was more likely one or two fish. Just fifteen percent of our boats found this tasty species giving us a total count of ten fish. It was nice to see some wahoo again this week – of course wahoo expert Captain Leon from the Ruthless had a 45 lb’er as well as two striped marlin for some anglers from Louisiana. We had two other wahoo around the same size aboard Tracy Ann and Fearless, respectively. Inshore the boats caught a few skipjack, some nice jack crevalle and a couple of yellowtail up to 30 lbs. We did hear that the rooster fish action was pretty good for boats fishing around the Old Lighthouse.

SURF FISHING: Wesley did not have a lot of trips this week but caught five sierra and ten jack crevalle for three trips.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: Windy the first couple of days of the week with some fog on the Pacific, seas moderate to calm on the Cortez side – clear, sunny skies.


BEST LURES: Live caballito, frozen ballyhoo, red/black for wahoo, green/yellow.

Based on the catches of Pisces by Tracy Ehrenberg

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