Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 94%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 70%, Dorado 43%, other 12%

BILLFISH: Ho, ho ho!, it feels like Christmas time in Cabo and it looks the billfish have spread out between the steady Pacific side and some parts of Cabo, more specifically between Chileno and Cabo del Sol this week. “Valerie” Pisces 35ft had a nice day reeling in a Striped Marlin estimated at 180 lbs., one dorado and a small tuna for Peter Karras, Carlos Goncalves and Jomar Labuschagne, visiting Cabo for the first time, coming from Portugal and South Africa! Pisces “Cabolero” 31ft released a striped Marlin in San Jaime Bank for Jesse & Julie Prather, Mike Summers and Tim Burgarner from Caldwell, Idaho. “Poseidon” Pisces 25ft panga is not a big boat, but nevertheless kept lines busy with a Striped Marlin and four dorado up to 20lbs. for Elbert and Betty Bivins from Jackson, at the Cerros de Arena, on the Pacific side. Pisces “Tiburon” 31ft also had a great day for a group of Swedish angling friends: Bernt Olson, Nicholas Lund, Sten Gumar and Kjell Kironvall who fought two Striped Marlins and a Sailfish in the same area. “Ruthless” 31ft Bertram headed to La Ballena, over on the Pacific and released a Striped Marlin and two dorados for Kurtis, Shayne and Tyler Millhollin visiting from beautiful Santa Barbara, Ca. “Speedwell” 38ft Pisces reeled two Striped Marlin and three dorados in San Cristobal and Pozo Cota for Mike, Anna, Tom and Kevin Cole from Sacramento, Ca. good job Captain Piranha! “Rebecca” Pisces 31ft reeled a Blue Marlin 200 lbs. estimated weight, the crew used a “flying” lure (volador) at the 11.50 spot for more Swedish anglers: Ola Eklund, Johan Ingenmansson and Peter Mucander, good job! Another Blue and Striped Marlin released aboard “Bill Collector” 32ft Pisces, estimated weight 200 lbs. the crew used the volador lure as well for Frank, Neil an Nancy Muller visiting from Woodland, California. On December 17th the “Adriana” and the “Andrea” 28ft ‘s Pisces boats did a back to back releasing two striped marlin outside of the Cerro, for Brian, David, Joselyn & Matt Berry from Grant Bay, Ca. and Brian & Mitchell Sussman from Los Angeles, Ca. respectively. Finally on December 18th the “Yahoo” 42ft Bertram released two Striped Marlin between 120-130 lbs. outside of the Cerro for Charlene and John Hattner de Keller, Texas and Jonathan Beyeler from Broadway, Va. Pisces anglers caught a total of 64 Billfish this week with most successfully released consisting of 58 Striped Marlin, 3 Sailfish and 3 Blue Marlin.

OTHER SPECIES: Dorado still being quite steady, ranging sizes from 10 to 30 lbs. “Adriana” 28ft Pisces got four dorados at Migri?o for Jeff & Sam Smith from Corpus Christy and Othis Johnson from Houston, Texas. “Valerie” 35ft Pisces got three dorados with live bait in Pozo Cota for Kathy Sherman from Cheyenne, Wyoming and Linda & Burt Black from Idaho Falls, Idaho. Captain Ray & Fernando aboard “La Brisa” 31ft Pisces reeled four mahi-mahi estimated 15-30 lbs., at el Cerro del Golden for John Summer group visiting from Camden, Delaware. “Shambala” 60ft vessel caught five dorados in Margaritas for Alan & Austin Jenkins, Carter Powell & Francis Straw from Sacramento, Ca. and the “Andrea” 28ft Pisces brought six dorados at La Ballena for Jeremy & John Highfill from Fairbanks, Alaska. Panga “Poseidon” did reel a 35lbs wahoo in front of Cabo del Sol for Jeff Smith group and the “Adriana” 28ft Pisces brought another wahoo 20lbs. at Migri?o. Pangas has been quite successful for Marlin, wahoo and tunas; Panga 23ft “Jessica” Pisces got for the Bivins group six yellow fin tunas, football sizes and really good for lunch. Pisces clients got a total of 81 dorados, 14 tunas and 4 wahoos, representing the 43% for dorado and the 12% for the Other species.
LOCATION: Pacific side: Pozo Cota, Los Arcos, La Ballena, Old light house, Cerro Golden, Margaritas. Sea of Cortes: Between Cabeza de Ballena, Cabo del Sol.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cooler nights and mornings, sunny and hardly any wind, it feels like Christmas time!.
AVERAGE TEMPERATURE: Water: 78- 74F, Air: 68- 72F
BEST LURES: Live bait: caballito. Lures: Volador, tigrillo, rojo negro, verde negro.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing by ADY MOYA
Pisces Sportfishing wishes you Feliz Navidad!