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Cabo San Lucas Fishing Report October 24 – 30, 2015

Overall Catch Success Rate All Species 87%

Numbers at a glance: Billfish 75%, Dorado 34%, Tuna 28%, Other 14%

BILLFISH:  You can definitely notice a change of season is underway in Cabo.  We don’t really have four seasons, but rather have summer and spring.  The heat is finally beginning to abate somewhat and we have had our first cooler evenings and early mornings.  All this signals a slowdown on blue marlin and sailfish and an increase on striped marlin.  Nevertheless water temperatures remain in the 80’s which keeps the blues and sails hanging around.  Live bait became scarce mid-week and a full moon disappointed a few anglers as marlin refused to cooperate some days.  Overall though excellent fishing with some superb catches.  Claudia Cooper along with Mike and Stephen Walsh were out aboard on of our smaller boats, 28 ft.  Andrea, they headed up the Sea of Cortez to Destiladeras, over 20 miles away, but it paid off when they were able to release three striped marlin up 120 LBS and a sailfish.  Later on in the week this same group and boat went on to release a blue marlin and boat six tuna. Thirty one foot Bertram, Ruthless has been on a roll for blue marlin and didn’t disappoint this week either, releasing a 250 LB specimen at the 11.50 spot for Courtney and Jared from Waco, Texas.  This same day, October 25th, Tracy Ann had lucky Texan anglers from Rockwall, George Hearn and friends aboard; two sailfish and a blue marlin was there tally off of San Jose.  How about three striped marlin, two sailfish and a dorado?  That was the sum of the catch for Darrell Brock and brothers from Texas, aboard Bill Collector off of Golden Gate on the Pacific. Speedwell had an enviable catch for the Flora family from Englewood, California.  They were kept busy releasing two striped marlin, two sailfish and boating a wahoo and skipjack.  Modesto angler Troy Bergman headed up the group aboard Valerie when they had a five billfish day consisting of four stripers and a sailfish.  Brian Livingstone and friends from Charlevoix, MI had an action packed day aboard Tiburon on October 28th when they released FIVE striped marlin and boated a dorado.  Closing out the week with a higher than regular catch was La Brisa with four striped marlin released for Michael and Ann Leroux, who also got a nice dorado for the table.  There were many other great catches, simply too many to mention.  Pisces anglers caught a total of 114 billfish this week, consisting of 82 striped marlin, 29 sailfish and 3 blue marlin.
OTHER SPECIES:  The dorado that has been absent all summer have finally shown up and we saw some nice catches of between one and nine fish for a portion of the fleet.  Thirty four percent of charters were pleased to be able to boat fish in the 15 to 35 LB class and to have some nice eating fish to take home.  Top dorado boat was Ruthless for catching nine off of Las Margaritas on the Pacific for Aaron and Jennifer from Houston – the smaller ones were released.  Speedwell was another boat that did well on dorado; they got seven as well as a wahoo and three striped marlin for Jim Dustin and Joe Frey.  Our total dorado count was seventy four fish.  Tuna catches dropped down a bit this week as dorado moved into the area and boats tried for these, as they were closer in along with striped marlin.  We did see a few big fish, such as a 288 LB monster caught aboard Mucho Bueno.  Our smaller twenty eight foot boats caught the biggest tuna this week starting out with Andrea who had both a 189 LB and a 152 LB, both quality fish they would probably hit a prize in the upcoming Tuna Jackpot – these anglers caught a total of six tuna and released a blue marlin too – well done to Claudia Cooper, Mike and Stephen Walsh from Colorado.  San Diego angler Blake Robinson landed a 120 LB tuna just below San Jaime on a green and yellow lure aboard Adriana.  Catches ranged from one to ten tuna per boat, when found and our total catch was of eighty seven fish.  It was nice to see fair activity on wahoo with several boats catching fish in the 30 to 40 LB class. The only other fish we caught this week were a few skipjack and a single lemon shark.
WEATHER: Clear sunny skies, some wind on the Pacific especially towards the end of the week, when it blew hard in the week. Moderate seas.
BEST LURES: Live caballito, ballyhoo, petrolero, guacayamo, green and yellow.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing by Tracy Ehrenberg.
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