Overall Catch Success Rate 86%
Billfish 17%, Tuna 9%, Other 65%
Another good week of inshore fishing in Cabo, with an 86% Catch Success Rate for the fleet as a whole, with most catches including good numbers and sizes of Sierra Mackerel, Grouper, Snapper, Ladyfish, Triggerfish and then others like Roosterfish, Yellowtail, Bonita, Skipjack and Jack Crevalle. A total of 286 fish caught in this “Other Category”. We also saw a little more action in terms of Marlin Releases, although nothing crazy, 11 Marlin Released total for the fleet, with 17% of boats targeting them successfully. This up, compared to last week, by 15%. Top Marlin Release boats were Pisces 46’ La Chingona with 2 Marlin Released, Pisces 40’ Coronita and Pisces 66’ Friday Bank, with all releasing 2 Striped Marlin each in one day.
Pisces 46’ La Chingona released their Marlin, of about 120 and 150 lbs each between the 95 Spot and Herradura Bank on dead and live caballito bait. Anglers were the Wiener and Statelier families.
Pisces 40’ Coronita found their two Striped Marlin, averaging 100 to 120 lbs, at the 95 Spot also on dead and live Caballito, for angels from Delaware.
Pisces 66’ Friday Bank also fished the 95 Spot and released 2 Striped Marlin there, using ballyhoo bait. Marlin averaged 100 lbs each, for angels Guy Evans and friends.
Again this week, lots of Sierra Mackerel being caught – a favorite here in Cabo to make fresh ceviche or throw on the grill. Pisces 31’ Ruthless anglers Kailey, Karl and Zack Muench landed 11 Sierras of up to 7 lbs each on hoochies at “La Antena”. Pisces 37’ BBII went all out, respecting limits and landing 30 Sierra Mackerel in a day for the Annon family from Virginia. The largest of the Sierra caught were of about 10 lbs. Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann also had an excellent half day of fishing, landing 17 Sierra Mackerel at Migrino and were back at the dock by 11 am. Lunch doesn’t get any fresher than that!
Others went for a bit more of a mixed bag, with Pisces 30’ Karina for example, landing 1 Sierra Mackerel, 5 Grouper of abut 10 lbs, 3 Ladyfish & 2 Triggerfish all at Migrino.
Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ also did well with 4 Sierra Mackerel, 5 Bonita (yes they’re good eating!), 1 Jack Crevalle, all hit on hoochis at the Lighthouse, except for the Jack, which took to a rapala.
Still seeing some small Roosterfish being caught, with the largest fish being caught of about 10 to 15 lbs. Pisces 28’ Andrea released a 15 lbs fish which hit on a Hoochi at Migrino area for the Lallana family, who also did an awesome job with this release as they participated in our Roosterfish Research Study! Captain Fernando and Mate helped them measure the fish, clip the dorsal fin for a DNA sample and successfully release the fish. Anglers also went on to catch 5 Sierra Mackerel of up to 8 lbs each, which also took to hoochis at Migrino.
And as we get closer to May, we have begun seeing more Yellowtail catches. Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail landed a nice 20 lbs Yellowtail by 7 am on their day out fishing, with anglers also releasing a small Roosterfish this day. The Roosterfish was caught close to Solmar area and hit on caballito bait, whereas the Yellowtail hit closer to Pedregal, on live caballito.
Pisces 80’ Tag Team also had a very nice Yellowtail while out for a few hours, an approx 30 pounder caught on caballito near San Cristobal area.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some wind picking up this week! Not windy all day or everyday, but there were some days of 5 to 10 knots and moments of gusts between 15 and 20 knots. Wind of course creating some chop on the water.
WATER TEMP: 70 – 74 F
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito, mackerel, chumming, hoochies.
BEST LOCATIONS: Migrino, Old Lighthouse, 95 Spot.
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg