Overall Catch Success rate: 83%
Billfish 58%, Tuna 4%, Other 28%
Pisces crews on it this week with the Swordfish catches! Two Swordfish caught on back to back days this week — Thursday Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann caught one and Friday Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 caught another, plus 2 Striped Marlin released of about 120 lbs each approx. This makes 3 Swordfish in the span of 2 weeks for us here at Pisces, which is a first in our history. There have also been reports of other charter boats in the area have also caught Swordfish in the past weeks. All fish have been spotted on the surface and have taken casted live or dead Green Jacks. Anglers have done a good job of landing their fish on light tackle and getting them quickly to the boat.

Other Billfish catches have also improved this week, although the Marlin have been hard to land. Getting them to take to casted mackerel or trolled ballyhoo has been challenging. With this said, we had 103 Billfish released this week with up to 6 Released by one boat in one day. This boat was Pisces 37’ BBII, which was the Top Release boat this week (they also released a Mako Shark). Other species caught have been mainly Sierra Mackerel, Red Snapper, Grouper and Triggerfish.

Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann Anglers Jeff Dodd and Todd Lewis had a great day with a Swordfish catch at the 1150 Spot. Mate Fidencio spotted the fish and casted a live Green Jack to land it.

The next day anglers Roger Gerger, Ryan Evans, Tom Evans Jr and Sr, found another Swordfish, which weighed in at 112 lbs, aboard Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2, this time it was spotted at the 95 Spot and took a dead Green Jack. The fish took angler Tom Evans about 25 mins to land, on a Shimano Talica 25 Reel with 60 lbs test and 180 lbs leader. They also released 2 Striped Marlin. Earlier in the week Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had another successful Billfish day, with 2 Striped Marlin released, 1 Sailfish, and kept 2 Yellowtail.
Pisces 48’ Viking Listo (which caught the Swordfish last week) also had a great Billfish Release week this time around. Early on in the week they had 4 Striped Marlin Released; which took ballyhoo and mackerel bait just outside of Chileno. Fish weighed between 100 and 120 lbs approx. The next day they again released 3 Striped Marlin, this time at the 1150 Spot.
Our best Billfish day this week was on the 16th, where all boats out caught between 2 and 3 Marlin and Sailfish each, with a total of 25 Released.
Pisces 42’ Hot Rod also had 2 Striped Marlin Released yesterday, along with 1 Sierra Mackerel. Inshore, Pisces 35’ Knot Workin had 8 Sierra Mackerel for the Edgemon family, close to the Old Lighthouse.
The Williamson and Fowler families aboard Pisces 35’ Valerie had 2 Red Snapper, 2 Grouper and 2 Bonita on a half day.

LOCATION: 11:50 Spot, 95 Spot, Chileno/Santa Maria, Migrino.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall Calm seas, a little wind midweek, sunny skies.
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito and mackerel, ballyhoo, green jacks for Swordfish.