Overall Catch Success rate: 87%
Billfish 39%, Tuna 9%, Other 51%
Compared to last week, Marlin bite has been a little slower, dropping about 20 percentage points. Still, we released 52 Billfish this week; mainly Striped Marlin and a few Sails. The billfish have been found mostly at the 1150 and 95 Spots South of Cabo. Inshore has still been the most productive fishing, with 200 fish in the “Other” species category caught. Mostly these have been Snapper, Sierra Mackerel, Grouper, a few Roosters still and other smaller bottom fish. Only 5 boats caught Tuna.

Top Marlin boat this week was Pisces 46’ La Chingona, with 6 Striped Marlin released, all taking caballito bait between the 95 and 1150 Spots. Fish were between 80 and 100 lbs each. On another day they had 5 Striped Marlin released, a little larger, averaging 120 lbs each, again on caballito and ballyhoo bait. Sailfish was about 90 lbs; all at the 1150 Spot.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 also headed to the 1150 Spot this day and released 5 Striped Marlin of about the same size for the Creech family from Tennessee and then headed inshore for a Roosterfish released.
Pisces 28’ Andrea had a great week for Marlin and inshore (one of the top boats for inshore this week). Anglers Kyle Swanson and Susan Stack had 4 Striped Marlin on mackerel at different areas: 1150 Spot, Sta Maria & close to San Jose. Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had 4 Striped Marlin Released between 100 and 120 lbs, caught on caballito bait at the 1150 Spot for William Robert. Pisces 37’ BBII had 3 Striped Marlin Released there as well.

Pisces 32’ Bill Collector had 4 Striped Marlin released of up to 140 lbs only 6 miles from shore for anglers Brittany and Jesse Mace.
Inshore, Pisces 35’ Valerie had a great day with 30 Sierra Mackerel on hoochis at Migrino, 3 Red Snapper and 1 Triggerfish for anglers Andy Gannon, Jason Hake, Richard Cox, Steve Cronkhite, Steve Hall and Todd Larson.
PIsces 30’ Karina had 6 Red Snapper at Migrino and 1 Striped Marlin Released.
PIsces 31’ Tracy Ann had 9 Sierra Mackerel on hoochis at Gaspareno and 2 Grouper for the Spaulding family. The next day they had 8 Sierra Mackerel and 2 Red Snapper at Migrino. Pisces 38’ C Rod had 9 Sierra Mackerel and 1 Grouper. The next day anglers Don Pratt and Kathy Cross had 15 Sierra Mackerel and 15 Skipjack.
PIsces 31’ Rebecca had 11 Sierra Mackerel, 1 Amberjack and 1 Skipjack for the Davison family.
LOCATION: 1150 Spot, 95 Spot, Migrino, Gaspareno.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall Calm seas, a little midweek, sunny skies.
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito and mackerel, ballyhoo, chum, hoochies.