Overall Catch Success rate: 96%
Billfish 69%, Dorado 51%, Tuna 20%, Other 20%
Great week of fishing for Pisces! Marlin bite has picked up, with Striped Marlin mostly, and a few Sailfish. A total of 87 Released in the week. Dorado numbers are also up, compared to last week, with fish ranging from 10 to 20 lbs each, and 50 Dorado caught total. And although only 20% of boats caught Tuna, they were in decent numbers and sizes, with fish ranging from 15 up to 70 lbs each, and 75 caught total. Other species caught were Wahoo, Sierra Mackerel and a few Roosterfish.

Our top boat overall for this week was Pisces 28’ Adriana, with new Captain Fernando Noyola (former 1st mate aboard Pisces 31’ La Brisa) and Mate Carlos Santos, which had 12 Billfish released total, plus 15 Dorado. Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had the most released in one day, 6 Striped Marlin for anglers Brian Kenkel and Kyle Kelly, and a total of 13 released for the week.
One of 28’ Adriana’s best days had 4 Striped Marlin between 100 and 150 lbs released, which hit on dead and live mackerel bait. Then 1 Sailfish of about 100 lbs, on dead mackerel as well. And ending the day with 6 Dorado between 8 and 25 lbs. All fish were caught near los Arcos for anglers Darby and Martin Klinowski from CO. Angler Ian Ritter also had a good day, with 3 Striped Marlin weighing between 100 and 120 lbs and 2 Dorado close to the Golden Gate area.

Pisces 31’ La Brisa also had a good day midweek, with 4 Striped Marlin between 100 and 120 lbs on mackerel for anglers John Lytle and Pam Gilmore. They also had 3 Dorado between 10 and 20 lbs, close to Los Arcos area. Pisces 35’ Valerie had 2 Striped Marlin and 6 Dorado for anglers Lindsey Cheek and Ryan Murphy close to the Old lighthouse.

Pisces 58’ Tag Team had a good two days of fishing with anglers Adam Boalt and Alejandro and Jose Garcia. They had 5 Striped Marlin, averaging about 100 lbs each, total and 1 Dorado.
For Tuna, Pisces 38’ C Rod was one of our top boats, with 17 Yellowfin on their best day for the McClure family. Most fish were between 10 and 25 lbs. Previously in the week they had 3 Striped Marlin released of about 80 to 120 lbs each on live mackerel bait near the old Lighthouse. Plus 12 Yellowfin hitting on feathers and cedar plugs.

Inshore fishing really turned up, with lots of Sierra Mackerel. For example, Pisces 28’ Andrea had a great day with the Sullivan family onboard. They had 2 Striped Marlin of about 130 lbs each on dead mackerel, plus Dorado between 8 and 15 lbs. These took sardines and dead mackerel. Then 13 Sierras to round out the day, all on sardines near Migrino. The next day 28’ Andrea had 16 Sierra Mackerel, big ones! Of up to 15 lbs, all on sardines once again, this tiem close to Chileno. They also had 2 Dorado of about 13 lbs.
Wahoo this week of course on Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2, with a half day bringing them 3 Wahoo of about 15 lbs plus 1 Dorado and 1 Sierra Mackerel.
LOCATION: Old Lighthouse to Los Arcos
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall Calm seas, a little wind beginning the week, overcast.
BEST LURES: Live and dead mackerel, sardines, feathers, cedar plugs.