Overall Catch Success rate: 92%
Billfish 25%, Dorado 69%, Tuna 19%, Other 13%

Another great week of fishing, with yet again, more wide open Dorado fishing, more than we’ve seen in years. There were 1,093 Dorado caught for the fleet this week – and that’s even with almost all of our boats participating in the WON Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot and targeting tuna.The tournament was a fun and successful event, with two Pisces vessels making it into the winners circle. Pisces 58’ Tag Team took 1st Place in the Dorado Division with a 22.5 lbs fish that earned them a whopping $105, 600 USD for a women led team: Anglers Christie Nelson and Trish Johnson. The payout was the highest payout for an optional jackpot in the Tournament’s 22 year history. Pisces 28’ Adriana took 1st place with anglers Craig Cunningham and Robert Molly in the Wahoo Division on Day 2 and the team earned $47,600 USD. 1st Place Tuna was a 210 pounder caught on Ole Ole. More on the tournament in our News section in the blog.

As for other species caught this week, we saw Billfish catches decline a little bit compared to last week, but again, this may be due to some tournament focus on Tuna, Dorado and Wahoo. There was 80 Billfish caught for the fleet, mainly Striped Marlin with a few Blues and Sailfish sprinkled in. There were 102 Tuna caught and 25 fish in our “Other” category, which includes species like Wahoo and Roosterfish.

So digging in to the catches a little bit… how wide open is wide open? Well, how about anglers Brent Johnson, Jose Ruiz and Mark Kruse who caught 35 Dorado (releasing 30) aboard Pisces 35’ Valerie. Fish weighed between 8 and 15 lbs and hit on lures and feathers close to Pozo Cota.
And then there’s also Pisces 42’ Sea Senora who caught 40 Dorado that same day, releasing 30 in the same location. Pisces 45’ Chasin Tail had 24 on another day, releasing 14, this time out of Migrino, with fish up to 20 lbs. Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 34 Dorado on yet another.

Pisces 28’ Andrea had an awesome week, with Robert Moore and Veronica and Brian Halley fishing 3 days aboard with some incredible catch success. They landed every sought after species this week. A total of 3 Striped Marlin Released, 105 Dorado (not a typo! Their best Dorado day they had 34), 1 Yellowfin tuna and 1 very decent Wahoo of about 35 lbs. Of course they respected catch and size limits and also captured and donated one Dorado for ongoing scientific research with biologists in La Paz. Most fish were caught between Migrino and Pozo Cota.
28’ Andrea was our Top boat this week with 132 Dorado, 4 Marlin, 1 Wahoo and 4 Tuna. Quite a few other boats came close to these numbers as well!

Marlin bite was quite good beginning the week too, with boats releasing between 2 and 4 marlin each. Pisces 30’ Karina and anglers the Jorgensons from Wisconsin released 3 Striped Marlin and 1 Sailfish, and kept 8 Dorado. Billfish hit on dead bait near La Ballena area.

Pisces 31’ Tiburon had 3 Striped Marlin as well, hitting on live mackerel and lures close to Cerritos. They caught 14 Dorado on feathers and released eight. Anglers were Kerry Clark and Kyle Murray from TX. Pisces 42’ Caliente released 4 Striped Marlin and kept 8 Dorado on their best day, and Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 also had 4 Striped Marlin released and 24 Dorado in one day too!
A few Blue Marlin, Pisces 31’ La Brisa had one on tournament day, released, of about 250 lbs. Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ also had one of about 250 lbs, hitting on live bait close to Pozo Cota, along with 12 Dorado, for anglers from South Carolina.

The Wahoo still showing up in good numbers, with fish between 25 and 40 lbs caught. Pisces 38’ Speedwell had 11 Dorado and 1 Wahoo of about 30 lbs that hit on ballyhoo at Pozo Cota.

Anglers from Georgia had a great day on Pisces 42’ Sea Senora landing a 40 lbs wahoo, plus 18 dorado and releasing 2 Striped Marlin. Wahoo and Marlin hit near Golden Gate on dead bait, while the dorados hit mostly feathers at Los Arcos.
A few Yellowfin this week, for example Pisces 42’ Hot Rod found them using the kite and lures, at San Jaime. A total of 6 yellowfin for the, plus 2 Dorado and 1 Striped marlin released.

Other catches included some nice releases on Roosterfish around 10 to 20 lbs, and a 35 lbs Yellowtail for Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ (plus 10 dorado too this day).
LOCATION: Old Lighthouse to Migrino and Pozo Cota; Golden Gate, San Jaime,
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall Calm seas, a little wind towards the end of the week, sunny skies.
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito and mackerel, ballyhoo, hoochies, feathers, Some tuna on kite. FOR DAILY UPDATES FROM THE DOCK FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK!