Overall Catch Success Rate: 85%
Billfish: 26%, Tuna: 42%, Dorado: 29%, Other: 12%
Two days of port closure for Cabo this week, with the approach of Hurricane Hillary near the weekend. No major damage in the Cabo area, with mostly swell and winds. Still fishing was decent beginning the week, although much slower compared to the previos week. However, we did see a few big Dorado, another nice big Yellowfin Tuna over 140 pounds and some Blue Marlin Releases. We also had some action with Black Marlin, but none successfully caught and released. The most productive species was Tuna, with 75 fish caught total for the fleet and just over 40% of boats catching them. Dorado accounts for nearly 30% of catches and 53 fish caught total. For other species this week, we saw some boats fishing inshore for some eating fish or looking for Roosterfish Releases. Billfish Releases were lower, with only 1 or 2 Billfish released max per boat, with the exception of Pisces 35’ Valerie which was the Top Billfish Release boat this week; we had 14 Billfish Releases total.
Pisces 38’ Speedwell had one of the few Blue Marlin Released this week; a 200 pounder that hit on a petrolero lure about 25 miles south. Plus they had a 40 pound Dorado as well.
Pisces 31’ Rebecca had one Blue Marlin Released this week as well, of abut 150 lbs at the 11:50 Spot for Bruce and Ken from Florida.
A fantastic day beginning the week for Pisces 35’ Valerie with 3 Striped Marlin Released, the most released by one boat in a day this week, on live and dead caballito. Marlin averaged between 90 and 110 pounds each, close to La Herradura.

Pisces 35’ Valerie also had one of the largest Dorado this week, a 42 pounder on live bait at Migrino. To close out the week they had 1 Striped Marlin Released at San Jaime on dead bait and 10 Dorado, 1 Released, all averaging between 15 and 20 pounds. Dorado hit on feather lures.
More Dorado for Pisces 30’ Karina with 9 of them all of about 10 pounds on hoochies and cedar plugs, with 5 Released for the Martin family at Los Arcos area.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 did well with Marlin and Tuna this week, with 2 Striped Marlin of about 100 and 130 lbs each landed on caballito bait close to Herradura area. They also landed 2 small Yellowfin tuna on cedar plugs there for the Stanley family. The next day though, they landed ht big one, a 142 pound Yellowfin which hit on dead caballito about 27 miles south of Cabo.
Pisces 28’ Andrea had 11 Yellowfin, small ones, about 15 Miles south for the Williams family.

Pisces 42’ Caliente with 6 Yellowfin Tuna, all about 15 lbs on feathers 30 miles south, and a Blue Marlin of about 250 lbs Released there too. The marlin hit on a cedar plug lure.
Pisces 42’ Hot Rod had 1 Striped Marlin, a nice 43 pound Dorado and 12 Yellowfin Tuna with the largest about 40 pounds, and others averaging about 30 pounds.

Other species: Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had 4 Grouper, 5 Ladyfish and other at Las Margaritas for a quick half day for anglers from AK. Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 5 Grouper and 1 Sheepshead for their half day as well, plus 1 Dorado. All at Migriño.
Pisces 31’ La Brisa had 3 Roosterfish released, all about 10 pounds for the Adams family from Texas.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Calm seas, 2-3 foot. Port Closure Thursday through Saturday due to Hurricane Hilary nearby
WATER TEMP: 89 – 93 F
BEST LURES: Dead bait, caballito, cedar plugs, feathers, hoochies
BEST LOCATIONS: 30 Miles South of Cabo, Herradura, Los Arcos, Migrino
Find the best vacation villas in Cabo at Pisces Luxury Collection — and the finest yachts at Pisces Yachts.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg