Overall Catch Success Rate: 82%
Billfish:16%, Tuna: 33%, Dorado: 54% , Other: 6%
Another great week of fishing in Cabo! And although the Billfish numbers are down, we did get every top species on the list this week once again. That means we had Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin and Sailfish all caught.
The Top species caught was Dorado, with many coming through, but mostly averaging around 10 lbs. Although we did have a few that topped the 30 and even 40 pound mark, on our Top Boats this week (once again); Pisces 31’ Ruthless and Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2. Tuna bite slowed down, but we still had 43 fish caught total and one of the Biggest Tuna of the year so far, a 160 pounder on Pisces 42’ Caliente. Dorado numbers in comparison: 230 fish caught with many many releases – respecting catch limits of 2 fish per angler. Other species caught: Roosterfish, Wahoo, Amberjack, Skipjack.

Starting off with the Black Marlin catch this week on Pisces 37’ BBII. The all-women angler team aboard was celebrating Tracies birthday, with her daughters and nieces. The goal was to get Iris Kiolbassa her first marlin and wow did she get it! Her first and a Black of almost 300 pounds in only 45 mins. She used a Shimano 20 with 30# line and 100# leader with dead bait. They also landed a Dorado to close out the day.

For Billfish, Pisces 28’ Andrea had a nice Blue Marlin Released of about 200 lbs for angler Alexander Burns from Colorado. It hit on a dead caballito at the 95 Spot.
Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 1 Sailfish Released of about 100 lbs, which hit on live caballito bait. Plus they had 7 Dorado of about 10 to 15 lbs each, and 2 Skipjack. All near Cerros de Arena area.

Pisces 40’ Coronita had 1 Yellowfin of about 80 lbs on lure ar herradura and 1 Blue Marlin of about 220 lbs Released, that took live caballito. Anglers were Donal Fadel and Kevin McCarty from Victoria, TX.
Pisces 42’ Caliente had 1 Yellowfin of about160 lbs, which took a cedar plug lure at Herradura. Anglers Jack Mayfield and Paul Snow fought the fish for almost three hours before they got it to the boat. On another day, Caliente had 15 Dorado, 9 released, near San Cristobal.

Pisces 60 ‘ Happy Ending had 11 Dorado between 15 and 20 pounds hitting on ballyhoo and lures at Los Arcos. Top Dorado boat this week was Pisces 31’ Ruthless with 59 Dorado caught in the week total (including releases). On their best day they had 19 Dorado caught, although all quite small, with the largest of about 10-12 pounds. The Brake family aboard released 13 Dorado total.
On another day, Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 17 Dorado, most averaging between 8 and 15 lbs, with one Big Bull in the mix, hitting the scales at 43 pounds. Of the 17 landed, anglers aboard Released 11.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 also landed a big one this week, a 46.5 pound Bull for the Sims family.
Nice Dorado for Pisces 35′ Bill Collector 2! 46.5 pounder

OTHER Species: The only Wahoo this week, aboard Pisces 31’ Rebecca, a 20 pounder that hit on a green/black lure near Los Arcos. Plus they had 9 Dorado this day too, hitting on feathers, in the same area, on a half day.
Pisces 31’ La Brisa had Roosterfish Released, of about 10 lbs, on caballito bait, near los Arcos. They also had 2 Dorado of about 10 lbs (1 released) and 3 Skipjack, hitting on feathers. Angler was David Otero, from CA.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: 1 Day of port closure due to swell and slight rain, other days clear skies, calm seas mostly although some days with chop due to winds
WATER TEMP: 81 up to 91F on Sea of Cortes side
BEST LURES: live and dead bait, feathers cedar plugs,
BEST LOCATIONS: Cerros de Arena through to Los Arcos Herradura, 95 Spot.