Overall Catch Success Rate: 89%
Billfish: 22%, Tuna: 25%, Dorado: 48% , Other: 16%
Another great week of fishing in Cabo! The Dorado showed back up again this week, even if of smaller size comparatively to previous weeks. Still, almost 50% of boats caught Dorado, totaling 179 Fish with lots of Releases, respecting legal limits of 2 Dorado per angler. Lots of Tuna coming through this week too, with about 25% of boats targeting them. We had a total of 137 Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna. Other species were only caught by 16% of the fleet, with catches including Grouper and Roosterfish and Wahoo. Billfish accounted for only 20% of catches, with 23 Billfish Released this week, but these included all of our Top Billfish species: Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin and Sailfish. All Billfish were released.
The Black Marlin was Released by Pisces 46’ La Chingona, with them gearing up for the Bisbees East Cape Tournament, August 2nd thru 4th. The Tournament this year saw two qualifying fish hit the scales, with a 384 lbs Black Marlin by team Stella June and a 380 lbs Black Marlin by Team Wild Hooker. In a surprising twist of events, Team Stella June Weighed a second fish on Day Two, but this one didn’t make the minimum weight, and was penalized points, putting them in 2nd place Overall. They still took 1st place for Day One in the Daily category. Official Awards and Payouts are tonight at the Buenavista Resort in Buenavista, BCS. This year’s tournament had 98 participating boats with a 1.8 Million Dollar pot.
BILLFISH: Bill Collector 2 was one of our Top boats this week, with 7 Billfish Releases, 29 Dorado and 19 Tuna caught in the week. Going in to the Billfish catches here — A fantastic day on Sunday aboard the Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 for the Brian family from Humble, TX. They released 2 Blue Marlin, of about 150 and 200 lbs each and 2 Striped Marlin of about 140 lbs. All fish hit on dead caballitos out at the 95 Spot.
Later in the week they released an approximate 180 lbs Blue Marlin at the 130 Spot, 40 Miles out, that took a black and green lure. They also landed 19 Yellowfin Tuna on cedar plugs and feathers.
Pisces 32’ Bill Collector also had a good day on Sunday, releasing a Sailfish and landing Dorado. Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail had 2 Striped Marlin Released on green and black lure at the 11:50 Spot. They also kept 2 Yellowfin Tuna that took cedar plugs.
Another of our Top boats for this week, with 100% Catch Success rate and the best numbers for Dorado and Tuna was Pisces 31’ Ruthless, with Captain Beto Lira and crew producing, every day this week. They had 2 Marlin Releases, 22 Dorado (respecting limits with releases) and 30 Yellowfin Tuna. On one of their best day they had 22 Tuna and 1 Marlin Released, on another they had 18 Dorado in one day.
Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ also had some fun with the Dorado, 17 of them caught total this week. Pisces 38’ C Rod had 10 Dorado between 10 and 20 lbs each on caballito bait between Los Arcos and Cerros de Arena.
Pisces 28’ Andrea also had a great week with the only Wahoo of the week, 1 Marlin, 17 Dorado, and 10 Tuna total. Midweek they had 1 Striped Marlin Release on live caballito, 9 Dorado of about 10 and 15 lbs each on ballyhoo bait and 4 Yellowfin tuna of about 15 lbs each too. All fish hit at the Golden gate for anglers from Oregon.
TUNA catches at the 130 Spot, for Pisces 45’ My Way for example, which landed 20 Yellowfin of about 15 lbs each 30 miles. They hit on feathers, hoochies and cedar plugs.
Pisces 37’ BBII had 6 Yellowfin of about 15 lbs each on hoochies and cedar plugs about 10 miles South. They also released a 180 lbs Striped Marlin on dead bait.
Pisces 42’ Yahoo found some bigger fish towards the end of the week, with a nice 42 pound Yellowfin standing out. They caught 10 total this day, as well as 3 Skipjack, all at Golden Gate.
OTHER Species: Pisces 28’ Andrea had the only Wahoo this week, a 20 pounder landed on ballyhoo near Migrino. Pisces 24’ Panga Karma had 1 small Roosterfish of about 8 lbs hit on a live caballito at los Arcos. Anglers aboard also had 6 Dorado of about 12 lbs each on caballito. Pisces 23’ Panga had 1 Grouper of about 20 lbs chumming at Los Arcos and also 8 Dorado, 3 Released.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Not much swell, but some wind picking up some days briefly up to 20 knots. Clear skies, sunny, and warm.
WATER TEMP: 87 – 89 F
BEST LURES: live and dead bait, cedar plugs, feathers, hoochies.
BEST LOCATIONS: From Cerros de Arena and Los Arcos to Las Margaritas & Migrino, 95 spot, Golden Gate.
Find the best vacation villas in Cabo at Pisces Luxury Collection — and the finest yachts at Pisces Yachts.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg