Releasing 6 Striped Marlin this day
Overall Catch Success Rate: 94%
Billfish: 49%, Dorado: 12% , Other 42%
What a difference a week can make! Billfish bite heated way up moving in to this weekend and with the Marlin came a few nice Dorado too, and although not many, the ones caught were of very decent size. Crews fished inshore beginning the week mostly, with some wind and choppy seas, but still produced catches mainly in our “Other” Category – catching mainly Sierra Mackerel, Bonita & Grouper. But by Wednesday, we saw the Marlin begin to show up at the 11:50 Bank and by Saturday the fleet had released 100 Marlin Total! Compared to last week, which saw about 15% of boats releasing marlin, this week we had nearly 50% of boats land ‘em. The weather also got nicer towards the end of the week with winds dying.
Top Marlin Release boat this week was once again Pisces 46’ La Chingona with 20 Marlin Released total, with their best day releasing 15 Marlin! Anglers landed the Marlin Friday at the 11:50 Spot on trolled ballyhoo and caballito bait, with Marlin averaging between 70 and 100 lbs each.

Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann and solo angler William Howell did well midweek, finding the Marlin bite at the 11:50 Spot and managing to get the bite on 4 of 6 Marlin, and successfully release them. Pisces 45’ My Way impressed this day as well, with 9 Striped Marlin Released for anglers Mike and Will Brunner, John Willingham and Steve Oliver. All fish caught on ballyhoo and lures at the 11:50. And on a half day they also did well to release 4 Striped Marlin and find a nice 20 lbs Dorado too for the Zamora family from Denver.

However, Friday was our best Marlin fishing day, where really all boats out did excellent, with a100% catch success rate, totaling 42 Marlin Released just this day! For example, Pisces 37’ BBII did very well with 9 Striped Marlin releases all on ballyhoo and marlin averaging 100 to 110 lbs each.

Pisces 42’ Caliente had 6 Marlin Released also on ballyhoo, while Pisces 30’ Karina had 6 Striped Marlin for angler Patrick Keeble on caballito and lures, all at the 11:50 Spot. Pisces 42’ Tejas also released 6 Marlin here.
Dorado showed up at the 11:50 Spot Thursday, with Pisces 28’ Andrea landing a 30 pounder on a black and red lure and 5 Striped Marlin Released. Anglers were Troy Oliger, Jordan Tonani and Christina and Ronald Cardenas.
Pisces 35’ Valerie also landed a 20 lbs Dorado at the 95 spot though, for angler Carlos Gonzalez, on ballyhoo bait.
And earlier in the week some fishing towards the Sea of Cortez side: Pisces 28’ Andrea had 1 Dorado at el Tule area which hit on a little hoochia lure and also landed 5 Sierra Mackerel too.
Some highlights from our “Other” category: Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail had 14 Sierra Mackerel and one 24lbs Yellowtail all at Migrino for Angler Ann Anderson and on an afternoon trip a very nice Grouper for dinner!
Pisces 31’ La Brisa had 9 Sierra Mackerel and 1 Jack Crevalle released, the Jack hit on a caballito and Sierra oh hoochis close to Los Arcos.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Windier conditions beginning the week, with winds between 8 and 11 knots. Better conditions after Wednesday, with a bit of wind picking up in the afternoon.
WATER TEMP: 70 – 73 F
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito, ballyhoo, hoochies.
BEST LOCATIONS: Migrino, 11:50 Spot & Tule.
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg