Overall Catch Success Rate: 87%
Billfish: 28%, Tuna: 66%, Dorado: 23%, Other: 3%
Another great week in Cabo! Tuna catches still going strong, with fish in the 30 to 80 pound size range consistently this week. And once again, seeing a nice Yellowfin over the 100 pound mark. And for a few fishing in Cabo there were a few Tuna this week well over the 200 pound mark too! We had a total of 276 Tuna caught this week, making up for almost 70% of catches. From here we had Billfish catches, with almost 30% of boats targeting the, but in terms of numbers of fish, we did have a few more Dorado than Marlin releases. Although we did have Sailfish, Blue Marlin and Striped Marlin this week. A total of 23 Dorado for the fleet, with a few very nice fish in the 40 pound range! Weather was a little choppy beginning the week, but by midweek conditions were absolutely beautiful. Calm seas, blue water, and lots of fish!
Starting with the Tuna catches, our biggest fish caught this week, and also one of the best days out there, a 123 pound Yellowfin caught on Pisces 46’ La Chingona. Anglers aboard, were the MacKenzie family and friends. They had a total of 16 Yellowfin Tuna, all around the 40 to 50 lbs size. Not only this, but they also released two Striped Marlin of about 100 lbs each. For Tuna they used cedar plugs and lures, kite fishing as well; almost 40 miles out. Striped Marlin hit on caballito bait.
Pisces 37’ BBII had a similar day, with 14 Yellowfin Tuna, all between 50 and 80 pounds, also heading outside the 40 mile mark to find them. They also released a Striped Marlin of about 120 pounds on caballito bait.
The next day, anglers Robert Donaldson III and Zachary Smith and family landed 8 Yellowfin between the 30 and 70 pound mark, aboard Pisces 37′ BBII. They fished a little closer, 32 miles out at the 180 Spot.
Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail had 18 Yellowfin total, releasing 8 small Yellowfin, using lures and cedar plugs mostly. They fished the San Jaime Bank area, with fish kept from 20 to 50 pounds each.
This same day, Pisces 31’ Rebecca fished San Jaime and had 17 Yellowfin, all about 20 pounds for James Philo, Jami & Joseph Neu and Noemi Salinas from Arizona. Tuna hit on cedar plugs. On another day Pisces 31’ Rebecca had 9 Yellowfin, up to 45 pounds each, this time at Herradura on cedar plugs.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had 6 Yellowfin Tuna on one day, from 30 to 60 pounds each, out of the 180 Spot and the next day 10 Yellowfin of the same size, heading out 40 miles and using feathers, cedar plugs and lures.
Now for Dorado, our biggest fish caught this week were on Pisces 28’ Adriana. Anglers Colby and Lisa Brazile and Danny Schubert had 2 Dorado of about 50 pounds each! They caught them on live bait at Herradura and they also landed 4 Yellowfin, with the largest of about 40 pounds.
Pisces 66’ Friday Bank had 2 Dorado, releasing one and keeping another of about 15 pounds on a green and yellow lure outside of the Old Lighthouse. Anglers also landed 4 Yellowfin.
Pisces 35’ Valerie with 2 Dorado around 10 pounds for cabo local, Claudio Acuña and family at Migrino and 2 Striped Marlin of about 100 pounds there too.
For Billfish, we had Pisces 31’ Rebecca with 1 Striped Marlin of about 120 pounds released, 1 Sailfish of about 80 pounds, and 5 Yellowfin between 40 and 60 pounds. For Billfish they used dead caballito bait at almost 40 miles at the 180 pounds. Anglers were Ari Cohen, Austin Rose, Josh Narrell and Joshua Riehl.
Pisces 35’ Valerie had 1 Striped Marlin, on a hooch and 3 Yellowfin between 40 and 45 pounds each on cedar plugs and flying fish lure. On another day they had 1 Striped Marlin on caballito about 25 miles to the 180 Spot and 9 Yellowfin Tuna between 10 and 40 pounds for Kaitlin and Travis McGrach.
Pisces 31’ Tiburon had 1 Striped Marlin Released about 20 miles South of Cabo, the fish hit on a Caballito bait. Plus they had 6 Yellowfin Tuna of 20 to 60 pounds.
Pisces 37’ BBII had a Blue Marlin Released, of about 180 pounds, hitting on a blue and white lure 45 miles to the 150 Spot.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Very nice conditions in the middle of the week, with blue, calm waters; some wind on a few days making for chop and swell of 3 to 5 ft max.
WATER TEMP: 85F to 87F
BEST LURES: Cedar plugs, feathers, lures, caballito bait.
BEST LOCATIONS: 180 Spot, San Jaime, South of cabo 30 to 40 Miles.
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg