Overall, Success rate: 98.68%
Billfish (Release) 90.79%, Tuna 9.21%, Dorado 31.58, Other 17.11%
Anglers Terry Moyers, Shawn McDonald released 15 Striped Marlin + Dorado on Pisces 37ft. BBII!
After experiencing a busy January with its calm seas, little wind, and great fishing, by the second day of February, it was clear that the weather was no longer ideal, particularly on the Pacific side of the peninsula.
On Saturday morning, February 3, a handful of the Pisces fleet scattered to different banks and high spots, including Los Arcos, Santa María, Chawita, Punta Gorda, La Playita, and Cero Colorado, up in the Sea of Cortez, where the wind was less, and the sea was calmer.
That day’s result disclosed “MY WAY,” a 45-ft. Viking, with Captain Arturo and Mates Daniel and Josue fishing on the Cabrillo Bank, with clients (see below) releasing two Striped Marlin (estimated to weigh 80 to 90 pounds) that they had hooked on two Ballyhoo at the Cabrillo Bank. In addition, the Cabrillo Bank yielded six Dorado (20 to 26 pounds) and one Bonito (3 or 4 pounds), plus five Grouper (2 to 16 pounds) and six Red Snapper (from 2 to 10 pounds) on live sardina, caught by anglers Ralph Jeffrey Mire and Richard Ravenscraft from Lampasas, Texas.
Meanwhile, on an entirely different bank, the Chawita, a mere four miles offshore inside the Sea of Cortez,the “RIPPER,” a 35-ft. Cabo Flybridge, Captain Abel, Mates Niko, and Mario headed for the Chawita following a hunch. Conditions were ideal, with excellent sea temps and sea birds hovering over billfish feeding on the surface, making them easy to spot.
Anglers Mike Kiser, Cody Lavelett, Amy Golden, and Callie Bosworth could hardly contain themselves as they watched the Striped Marlin slicing through the water’s surface with their dorsal fin and tail exposed. By the end of the day, the team had released four Striped Marlin (approximately 70 to 110 pounds) that snatched the live Ballyhoo with a hook in their nose that the anglers cast at them as they fed on baitfish on the surface.
By Sunday, the Chawita Bank had attracted more attention. “REBECCA,” a 31-ft. Bertram, run byCaptain Jose Ramon Alucano and Mate Mario, headed straight for the bank with anglers Lars Weidemann and Valeria Demichelis. When they reached the spot, the feeding frenzy had already begun, and several other boats in the Pisces fleet were hooked and going in full reverse after the fleeing marlin.
As the Captain pulled the throttles back and the Mate dropped the lures into the water, Lars and Valerie sat on the edge of their deck chairs and watched the large lures splash in the boat’s wake. Suddenly, several stripers appeared in pursuit of the two lures, and Mate Mario dropped a bait back. Before he could get the reel in gear, both lures had disappeared, and the clickers on all of the reels howled. By the end of the day, Lars and Valerie had a workout, and between the two, they had caught and released three Striped Marlin each, from approximately 80 to 120 pounds.
The 42-ft. Bertram “YAHOO’S Captain Ricardo Escamilla Yahoo and Mate, Jose Escamilla-Yahoo have reason to believe their clients from King Hill, Idaho, have learned much about fishing billfish this week.
On Sunday, Alexander Bybee, Amiah Bybee, Darrin Bybee, Jean Bybee, and Scott Bybee caught four Striped Marlin (estimated to weigh 80 to 100 pounds,) and they caught and released one Sailfish at 70 pounds, also on Ballyhoo plus some dorado.
Taking a day off on Monday, they returned to fish on Tuesday and released eight more Striped Marlin on that trip. Plus some dorado!
While there is no question that billfish releases for our fleet dominated the first week of February, there were also crowd-pleasing Dorado, Grouper, Red Snapper, and Sierra for those who were looking for variety.
The great thing about Cabo fishing is that if one side of the peninsula has wind and rough weather, the other side usually invites you over to enjoy some calm seas and great fishing. Wherever you were last week, we hope you had as much fun as we had or caught as many fish. If not, come check us out next week.
LOCATION:Los Arcos, Santa María, Chawita, Punta Gorda, La Playita, and
Cero Colorado,
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall calm seas, moderate winds on some days tapering off by midday – between 10 and 15 kts.
BEST LURES: Mackerel, Ballyhoo and Cosinero, Cedar Plugs. and marlin lures