Overall Catch Success Rate: 95%
Billfish: 77%, Tuna: 13%, Dorado: 24% , Other 12%
Billfish bite has been HOT, with 172 Marlin Released for 58 boats out. Monster Mahi continue to bite, with fish up to 40 pounds or more and a total of 38 Dorado caught this week. Plus, some Yellowfin Tuna still showing up, mostly in the 15 to 30 lbs range, but in better numbers, we had a total of 65 caught for the fleet. Other catches include Roosterfish, Jack Crevalle, Grouper and Mako Shark. Finally the winds died down in the second half of this week, making for smoother seas in to the weekend, but it’s starting to get hot! Even hotter were our two tournament winners; the 9th Annual Pelagic Rockstar Tourney happened this weekend! Pisces 46’ La Chingona and Pisces 40’ Coronita both placed 3rd in the Billfish Release Division and Dorado Division, respectively.
Pisces 46’ La Chingona had a great tournament with 36 Marlin Released total. They did an excellent job on Day 2 taking the Daily Jackpot for most Marlin Released. They also managed to release more Marlin than any other boat in a single day – 23 Marlin released plus a Dorado. Day 1 they Released 13 Striped Marlin.
Pisces 40’ Coronita with the Team from the List had two good Dorado days, Day one weighing a 42 pound fishing day 2 a 22 pound fish. This was enough to land them in the winners circle with 64 points total (adding both weights). To read more on the Tournament click HERE.
Most boats this week release up to 4 or 5 Marlin each, with Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail releasing 7 Striped Marlin all close to 100 lbs on ballyhoo bait close to the 11:50 Spot. Chasin Tail also had a nice Dorado Catch this week, with an approximate 40 pounder!

Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 4 Striped Marlin Released, all fish ranged between 80 and 130 lbs each on live bait at the 11:50 Spot. This same day Pisces 31’ Tiburon released 5 Striped Marlin in the same area. Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had 4 Striped Marlin released for the King family who were happy to release a Billfish each!

Not bad for a half day, Pisces 42’ Caliente released 2 Striped Marlin on bait outside of Chileno and they also landed a beautiful 48 pound Dorado for anglers Brad Conrad, Doug Masterson, Jim Elford & Jonathan Plumhaff.

Pisces 60’ Happy Ending had 4 Striped Marlin between 110 -130 lbs, these hit on ballyhoo, and one 30 lbs Yellowfin. All out at the Cabrillo mount.
Pisces 66’ Friday Bank with Striped Marlin Released of about 100 lbs and a 45 lbs Dorado that hit on a pink/white lures. Plus a Jack Crevalle on a live green jack closer to shore.

In our “Other”Category, we had Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ head out to Punta Gorda on the Sea of Cortez and land two Dorado up to 30 lbs on lures. Plus a nice Sierra Mackerel, 2 Jack Crevalle and 15 Skipjack up to 10 lbs each.
Pisces 31’ Tiburon had a small Mako shark released, which took to a dead green jack. Plus one Dorado of about 25 lbs that hit on a green lure.

Pisces 28’ Andrea stayed inshore on a half fay with anglers Clayton and Paige Garner searching for Roosterfish and finding them. Three small Roosters released, which took to live bait close to the Desal plant on the Pacific.
Pisces 28’ Adriana had 17 Yellowfin Tuna for anglers Johnathan Cherry, Shelby Nelson and friends, from Texas. Yellowfin hit on feathers and cedar plugs about 25 miles South of the Lighthouse.

Pisces 45’ My Way found their tuna outside of Destiladeras area on the Sea of Cortez, they landed 7 total of about 25 lbs each. My Way also had a good participation in the Pelagic tourney, Day One they had 6 Dorado between 38 and 40 lbs, hitting the weigh in. They also had a 29 pound Tuna and two others of about 15 lbs.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Very windy starting off the week with 10 to 20 knot winds. Towards the weekend winds laid off a bit, still some swell though.
WATER TEMP: 72 – 81 F
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito, ballyhoo, cedar plugs, feathers.
BEST LOCATIONS: 95 Spot, 11:50 Spot, Destiladeras, Punta Gorda, South of Old lighthouse
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg