Overall Catch Success Rate, All Species Combined 93.22%
Billfish Catch Success Rate, Billfish, 74.58%% Dorado 25.42% Tuna 23.73% Other Species 30.51%
April Fool’s Day has faded into oblivion, leaving behind a great week of spring-like weather with sea temps in the low 70s and calm seas that have settled in for the week. As we mentioned in last week’s report, the striped marlin reappeared, and “La Chingona” released seven at the infamous Punta Gordo Bank, giving the rest of our Pisces fleet something to shoot for.

“VALERIE,” a 35-foot Bertram with Captain Roberto Sandez and Mates Carlos and Julio, also scored on Punta Gorda with a pair of Stripers that Darren and Jean Thraen from Boston, Massachusetts, released. The two Marlin weighed an estimated 100 pounds plus each and took a trolled cocinero.
As it turned out, the action was not only restricted to marlin, nor just one of the banks, but also to Faro, Pedregal, and Afuera del Cerro, which produced a variety of species including Striped Marlin, Silky Shark, Skipjack, Dorado, Sierra, Red Snapper, and Jack Crevalle.

Captain Frank and Mate Carlos Velez aboard the ADRIANA,” a 28-foot Uniflite, suggested Alvin Ekic, Gordon Yliniemi, Mike Piller, and Mustafa Ekic from North Dakota fish at Faro Bank. Gordon was the lucky angler who released the striped marlin at that Bank, some distance from Gordo Bank. The anglers also caught chunky dorado.

Captain Abel and Mate Ninja on the “RIPPER,” the 35-foot Cabo Flybridge, had heard about the action on the Gordo. When their anglers agreed that might be the place to go, they headed to Punta Gorda, releasing two striped marlin hooked on Ballyhoo plus five skipjack. Josh, who caught the largest of the two billfish, and Zack Haber, both from New York, released the other.
Onboard the “ANDREA,” a 28-foot Uniflite with Captain Fernando Noyola and his Mate Mario, found some stripers on the Pedregal Bank where angler Geoff Ahmann caught and released an estimated 130-pound striper on a trolled cocinero (baitfish). In addition, his brother Keith also took a few skipjack in the 1o to 15-pound class in the same area. Both men were from San Jose, California.

Receiving some information about a few billfish caught four miles from the lighthouse, Captain Robert Sandez, and Mate Salvador Flores, on the “VALERIE,” a 35-foot Bertram, with anglers Jack Hadenfeldt, Jim Pirnie, Kevin Foland, and Travis Hedman, all from Grand Island, Nebraska took off for the area. The information paid off, and they had a ball catching and releasing three striped marlin on both Ballyhoo and cocinero bait.
“YAHOO,” a42-foot Bertram, with Captain Ricardo Escamilla and Mate Yahoo Jose Escamilla-Yahoo, unable to resist the VHF chatter at the Gordo, headed that way. No sooner had the mate rigged and let out the trolled bait they had – commonly called “an Indian attack,” – which is when multiple marlin appear in the wake of the boat, chasing the bait skipping on the surface with their dorsal extended. Suddenly, one fish snatched a bait, hooking itself in the process, as the other fish disappeared. By the end of the day, the California group had caught and released four striped marlin and eight skipjack.

On another day, with clients who wanted variety, the “ANDREA,” a 28-foot Uniflite with Captain Fernando Noyola and Mate Marcelo running the boat, angler Tim Keck wanted to see how many species he could catch and release in a day.
The crew knew where to go, and they headed for La Playita, where they were sure they could do just what the client requested. Tim caught and released multiple dorado, sierra, roosterfish, jack crevalle, and red snapper throughout the day using fresh bait, including sardina and Ballyhoo.
Before the end of the week, Captain Luis Cota, and Mate Joel on the “BBII,” a 37-foot Viking Billfish 2018, couldn’t resist the challenge of trying to top the seven striped marlin released on the preceding Friday. As the week was winding down, their client, Ryan Caughren, from Florida, was all in. Of course, they headed for Punta Gordo, where the billfish action remained consistent throughout the week.
They trolled back and forth using fresh Ballyhoo and caballito in the area’s fertile water. They didn’t have to wait long before they spotted a couple of marlin in the wake. Throughout the morning, only Ryan manned the rods. One here, one there, Angler Ryan stood at the ready in the cockpit. The bite started early and was steady. Still, it was almost noon before he was tied with last Friday’s numbers: seven releases! The bite shut off, making it an even match for the two teams.

1 striped marlin released
1 Dorado pluma
1 Bonita yoyo
3 Skipjack yoyo
1 Triggerfish yoyo
Anglers Bradley and Kelly Stress from Wisconsin, all caught at the Old Lighthouse.

Wrapping up Thursday afternoon, for the second Thursday in a row La Chingona accepted my challenge in the opening paragraph and dazzled me along with the rest of the Cabo Sportfishing fleet with the top billfish catch and releases of the week of 11 striped marlin.
“LA CHINGONA” 46ft Viking Captain Antonio Bojorquez
11 Striped Marlin 80-110 on BALLYHOO and Green Jack
14 Dorado 15-35 BALLYHOO and Green Jack – respecting with releases – all Caught outside of Punta Gorda area
“BILL COLLECTOR II” 35ft Cabo Flybridge Captain Niko and Mates Cuate and Erick Orozco
2 Marlin 100-120 Ballyhoo 11:50 SPOT
13 Dorado 9-10-15-29 Ballyhoo 11:50 SPOT
1 Silky Shark 100 Ballyhoo 11:50 SPOT
Anglers were Alfredo Aguirre, Diego Diaz, and Jeff Tessar,
As the new week begins the weather is holding steady and there is plenty of activity on various banks. Seems to assure that we have an exciting springtime ahead.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Calm seas, with light breezes midday – between 5 and 11 kts.
BEST LURES: Mackerel, Ballyhoo and Cocinero, Cedar Plugs, yoyos, and marlin lures.
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