Day one took off to a GREAT START with fish weighed in every category.
We were also very happy to see THREE Pisces vessels at the scales, with our 28’ Adriana taking 1st Place in the Wahoo division with a 33 lbs fish! That earned them nearly $47,000 dlls.
Pisces 37′ Reel Cast also hit the scales with a 115 lbs pound fish. But unfortunately the fish didnt hold as vessel Sea Boy arrived with a 126 lbs fish.
Pisces 42′ Yahoo weighed a Dorado but didnt make the 30 lbs mark.
And Captain Antonio Bojorquez from the Pisces 46′ La Chingona weighed a 80 lib fish as he was crewing on the Hooray center console.
And actually, the Biggest fish of the day came in early, just as the scales opened; with team Curandero Weighing a 202 lbs fish – the first and only cow to hit the scales for the day. They were in the overall only so didn’t take the big money from the pots.

Team Burro ended up doing that with a 175.5 Yellowfin all in except for the $20,000 dlls optional. Giving them a payout of over $240,000 for the day! There was an exciting weigh in for that $20,000 dlls optional though; Stella June weighed a small (but mighty) fish as any weighed fish over 30 lbs at that point would be worth $51,000 USD. At 32 lbs their fish stuck for a few minutes until Team Second Wind took it with a 4o. 5 lbs fish!

Out here today once again for the shotgun start and back again at the scales between 3-6 pm! Good luck to all teams participating!! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for LIVE UPDATES.